
International Womens Day: A couple of thoughts for the future generation


Say hello to my daughter.
This picture was taken during the pandemic, and now, after three years, she has grown significantly, both physically and mentally. She has transformed from a child into a young woman, almost matching my height. It's amazing to see these changes.

On International Women's Day, I want to express my hopes for her bright future. I hope that she will experience equality in all aspects of her life. She deserves recognition and equal pay for all her talents when she enters the workforce, which is still a few years away.

I'm somewhat optimistic that things will improve over the next decade.

In the past, I had a terrible boss who treated women horribly. He would ask female candidates about their pregnancy plans and make inappropriate jokes about female team members. Thankfully, I moved on from that toxic environment, but I hope that my daughter never has to endure such discrimination.

#internationalwomensday #girlpower #girlpreneur #equalpayday #equalrights #popyourimage